About Me
I spent 6years in Tokyo , Japan, and more than 20years in New York City ,U.S.A.
Through my original experience , I learned to make use of the various background
and cultures of people when styling their hair.
When hair-styling I take into consideration the client's lifestyle , fashion , and body features.
This is MY POLICY because it draws out the attraction of the person more.
Late 80's: worked at salon " Ten-Half " at Shibuya , Tokyo.
Early 90's: moved to New York City , a trendy location in Mid Town.
Worked at salon " La Coupe ". Then worked at salon " Pierre Michel".
Then salon " Oribe ". And finally , at salon " Ishi".
2007: Moved to Down Town , which was the new trendy location.
Worked at salon" Eva Scrivo ".
2013: Began working at " Arte Salon ".
2016: Began working as freelance Hair stylist in Kyoto Japan.
And occasionally, going to NYC for Arte Salon ( four times a year ).
2017: Opened Maison Hiro in Kyoto.
90年代初頭、ニューヨークに移住。 当時人気のアッパーイーストエリアで仕事をスタート。
" La Coupe " ," Pierre Michel " , " Oribe " ," Ishi " などで15年間勤務。人種や文化の異なる世界で、それぞれのオリジナリティを活かしたスタイリングを模索する。その後、ライフスタイルの違うアーティストが住むソーホー地区で、より人々から支持される仕事をしたいと考え、ダウンタウンの中心的ヘアサロンである" Eva Scrivo " や"ARTE SALON "で様々な顧客を担当。現在も3か月ごとに渡米し、リクエストのあるクライアントのヘアーを担当する。
2017年日本へ帰国し、京都東山三条にてヘアサロン"Maison HIRO"をオープン。